1.1. Description, Objectives, Vision and Website
1.2. SYNTAX profile
1.4. Assessment and Ranking

1.1. Description, Objectives, Vision and Site
1.1.1. SYNTAX is an online platform where its service providers may:
a) Negotiate directly with their clients, with no commissions nor intermediaries;
b) Efficiently identify other service providers in the platform for several purposes, such as the proposal of partnerships through SYNTAX ADVANCE (see 1.3.).
Thus, SYNTAX is a platform where any entity in need of a specific language service may quickly, efficiently and with quality insurance, search and ask for quotes from SYNTAX service providers (see and LEXIS members with a PROFESSIONAL license are exclusive service providers of SYNTAX. To a member of the LEXIS community with a PROFESSIONAL license, it will only be necessary to create a SYNTAX profile (see 1.2.) in order to enjoy, with no restrictions, all functionalities of the platform mentioned in 1.1.1. The language services made available by SYNTAX include:
a) Translation;
b) Subtitling;
d) Copywriting. At SYNTAX, entities seeking a specific language service search and select the SYNTAX profiles (see 1.2.) of the service providers most appropriate to their needs. The SYNTAX search engine compels potential clients to specify all characteristics considered relevant for each type (see of language service required. Potential clients may request a maximum of 20 (twenty) free quotes for each linguistic service to SYNTAX service providers. Prior to being able to request any quote, potential clients are compelled to complete a short form with their identification data and contacts. The quote request with the identification data and contacts of the respective applicant shall be sent via email to the selected SYNTAX service providers.

1.1.2. SYNTAX’s main goals are to create unity and quality insurance in the language services global market, in order to distinguish the best professionals and to create real business opportunities between its members and all entities in need of language services.

1.1.3. SYNTAX aims to be an online market of worldwide language service providers capable of guaranteeing a localized globality, i.e., that all language services rendered through the platform are provided by native speakers of the work language (or target language, in case of translation) with residence in the socio-cultural environment of that same language;

1.1.4. Our vision includes instituting SYNTAX as the quickest, safest, most efficient and most global way of guaranteeing the offer of competitive prices in language services rendered by accredited, competent and qualified professionals.

1.1.5. SYNTAX’s website address is www.SYNTAX.pro.

1.2. SYNTAX profile
1.2.1. All LEXIS community members with a PROFESSIONAL license benefit from the opportunity to build a free SYNTAX profile giving them access to the homonymous platform.

1.2.2. The SYNTAX profile consists of a multimedia which:
a) Grants a LEXIS member the status of SYNTAX service provider;
b) Contains fields which will be used as reference for the various criteria available in searches made in SYNTAX;
c) Contains all information accessible to any entity seeking a language service provider in SYNTAX.

1.2.3. The SYNTAX profile is built from the language service provider’s LEXIS profile. Thus, both profiles will always be in synch regarding updates and changes.

1.2.4. The editing of the SYNTAX profile is never done directly, but through the editing of the LEXIS profile, according to the terms defined in 2.3.6 of Regulation and Terms of Use of LEXIS/SYNTAX.

1.2.5. In addition to the elements included in the LEXIS profile (see 2.3.8 of Regulation and Terms of Use of LEXIS/SYNTAX.), the SYNTAX profile shall always include the SYNTAX rating (see 1.4.).

1.2.6. In case there is a price list in the LEXIS profile (see 2.3.8 of Regulation and Terms of Use of LEXIS/SYNTAX), it will not be included in the SYNTAX profile.

1.2.7. A LEXIS member profile shall appear in SYNTAX search results once 90% of the data are filled out. 

1.3.1. SYNTAX ADVANCE offers its service providers an exclusive advanced search engine which allows the efficient identification of other service providers in the platform for several purposes such as the proposal of partnerships.

1.3.2. The SYNTAX ADVANCE search universe includes all LEXIS community members with a PROFESSIONAL PREMIUM license, with at least 90% of the profile data filled out.

1.3.3. In addition to the regular search criteria available in SYNTAX, the SYNTAX advanced search may be oriented considering complementary criteria including, specialization fields, daily output, quality certifications and professional tools used, among others.

1.3.4. The SYNTAX ADVANCE functionalities are accessible to all community members mentioned in the previous point from LEXIS’s website: www.LEXIS.pro.

1.4. Assessment and Ranking
1.4.1. All and every language service rendered by a service provider through SYNTAX will be subject to the client’s assessment.

1.4.2. The respective request for assessment by the clients shall be supervised by LEXIS and expressed by email within 15 (fifteen) business days after the deadline stipulated for the completion of the language service.

1.4.3. An assessment of the language service rendered shall be asked from the clients ranking from 1 (one) to 5 (five), in which 1 corresponds to the minimum score and 5 to the maximum score.

1.4.4. The above-mentioned scoring shall be given by the client and will classify the following aspects of the language service rendered:
a) Quality;
b) Price;
c) Delivery deadline.

1.4.5. It will be also considered, in terms of assessment, whether or not the LEXIS member who provided the language service worked in his/her (or to his/her, in case of translation services) mother tongue.

1.4.6. The ranking of SYNTAX service providers shall consider the following aspects: 
a) Amount and type of language services provided;
b) Average of scores obtained in the lines described in 1.4.4.;
c) Percentage of the language services provided in his/her (or into his/her, in the case of translation services) mother tongue;
d) Amount of quote requests received;
e) Amount of quotes sent;
f) Member profile filled out.

1.4.7. Every assessment shall automatically be taken into account in the provider's LEXIS ranking.

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